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President Van Rompuy at the UN General Assembly: EU is a responsible global actor

President Van Rompuy at the UN General Assembly: EU is a responsible global actor
President Van Rompuy at the UN General Assembly: EU is a responsible global actor

© European Union

Europe assumes its responsibility in the world and at home, said President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy in his address to the 66th session of the United Nations General Assembly on 22 September in New York. For the first time in Assembly’s history the EU exercised its newly acquired right to speak through its own representatives rather than being represented by one of its member states.


Speaking about recent world events, the President highlighted the concrete actions that the EU takes „to fight the causes of worry” and to support „the forces of hope”. The EU is one of the world’s chief providers of financial assistance, manpower and expertise in mediation, with a clear sense of the global common good.


Responsibility to assist


Speaking about the hopeful events, the President stressed the importance of the Arab Spring for the EU. He assured the Assembly that the Union will continue to support…

President Van Rompuy at the UN General Assembly: EU is a responsible global actor

© European Union

Europe assumes its responsibility in the world and at home, said President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy in his address to the 66th session of the United Nations General Assembly on 22 September in New York. For the first time in Assembly’s history the EU exercised its newly acquired right to speak through its own representatives rather than being represented by one of its member states.


Speaking about recent world events, the President highlighted the concrete actions that the EU takes „to fight the causes of worry” and to support „the forces of hope”. The EU is one of the world’s chief providers of financial assistance, manpower and expertise in mediation, with a clear sense of the global common good.


Responsibility to assist


Speaking about the hopeful events, the President stressed the importance of the Arab Spring for the EU. He assured the Assembly that the Union will continue to support and provide assistance with state- and nation-building in Libya.


Having duly fulfilled its „responsibility to protect”, the EU will now fulfil its „responsibility to assist”, said Herman Van Rompuy and underscored that „Europe was, is and will remain on the side of the Libyans.”


He reiterated the EU’s pledge to keep pressure on the Syrian regime and its request that it ceases brutal repressive measures against the citizens.


Time for dialogue and negotiations


Speaking on the Middle East Peace Process, the President reiterated that the parameters (which the EU has supported on numerous occasions) for the successful conclusion of the peace process are already well known and invited leaders on both sides to begin dialogue and negotiations.


„The resumption of direct talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority is the top priority”, stressed Herman Van Rompuy.


Responsibility for the world economy: solving the economic crisis at home


The President stressed that the EU takes its responsibility to continue doing whatever it takes to safeguard the financial stability of the euro area. He also stressed that the EU expects other major economies to take responsibility for their internal challenges as well.


„Each has to put its own house in order – be it by bringing down its public debt, by stimulating domestic demand or by aligning exchange rates to economic fundamentals,” said Herman Van Rompuy.


The President concluded his address by underlining the importance of global interdependence and pledging the EU’s full participation.


EU voice at the UN


Since May this year, when a UN resolution on the EU’s participation in the work of the UN was adopted, EU representatives (rather than the country holding the rotating Presidency of the Council) have had the right to present European Union positions to the Assembly.


Under the EU Treaty, it is the President of the European Council who represents the EU at the level of heads of state.


Ahead of the General Assembly session, Herman Van Rompuy said this was „in some way an international recognition for the European Union.”



Further information:

The full text of the address (pdf)

Photos from the event

The President of the EU Council at the UN

Video message before the session (transcript) (pdf)

Relations between EU and UN Factsheet (pdf)


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Redactor Șef: Ștefan Doru COPOȚ (tel: 0788032808)
Senior Editor: Răzvan PETRE (tel: 0788002941)
Redacția: Viviana ROTARU, Ștefan KOSTOFF, Adresa redacției: Constanța, Bd. Al. Lăpușneanu nr. 1, Casa de Cultură a Sindicatelor, biroul 4 Fax: +40 341 816 200
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